Order a WEF Calendar
The 2024-25 Calendar is no longer for sale. Please return next summer for news on the release of the 2025-26 Calendar!
View of Cover for WEF 2024-25 Calendar .
$20 | Provides 12 months of planning | Includes 6-Day Schedule | Shows key WPS & community events | Features student art
Order here now & pick up later
use your credit card or paypal account to order now & pick up in early August at any public school main office. be prepared to hand-in your email receipt, in exchange for your calendar(s).
OR, one-stop shop with pay & pick up on-site
Beginning in early august, purchase on-site with cash or check (payable to: Wakefield Educational Foundation) at the following locations:
Any WPS Main offices - be sure to check your school’s office hours.
the Following retailers:
Hart’s Ace Hardware
Honey Dew by the Lake
The Wakefield Cooperative Bank
The Wakefield Savings Bank (downtown or Greenwood)